
OGFICE'S GRANT|公益財団法人大阪ガス国際交流財団

Objectives of OGFICE

Osaka Gas Co.,Ltd is distributing natural gas, which is clean and environment-friendly to customers.
It is a crucial thing for us to deepen the mutual understanding between the natural gas producing countries and Japan for securing stable gas-provision.
Osaka Gas Foundation of International Cultural Exchange was founded for the purpose mentioned above in 1992.

Name Osaka Gas Foundation of International Cultural Exchange(OGFICE)
Founded September 16,1992
Authorized to Public Interest Incorporated Foundation in October, 2010
Capital ¥1,050 million
Authorities Cabinet Office
Activities The following will be undertaken in the natural gas producing countries in Southeast Asia and Oceania to achieve the foundation's objectives.
1. Provide educational equipment and materials for use at schools, and provide scholarships for pupils and students.
2. Provide assistance for research related to academism and scientific technology.
3. Provide assistance for training students, teachers, engineers and reseachers.
4. Conduct other activities in line with the foundation's philosophy and objectives.