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Green Purchasing Guidelines

Osaka Gas, as part of its commitment to sustainable societies, makes purchasing decisions based on not only price, etc., but also lifecycle costs, including energy savings, reusability, durability and low-impact disposal. Suppliers are expected to minimize environmental loads associated with the development and delivery of low-impact products and services.

Osaka Gas makes every possible attempt to observe green purchasing guidelines. When selecting commodities and certain products, the following are considered:

  • ・use of recycled or easily recyclable materials, ease of separation, segregation and degradation, use of recycling markings and packing containing minimal materials and/or reusable/recyclable materials,
  • ・commodities and product materials that are durable and manufactured with minimized energy consumption, and
  • ・minimized use of raw materials and hazardous chemicals, absolutely no use of any banned substance, and provisions to reduce disposal by incineration or landfill.

Candidates for construction or maintenance work must take measures to:

  • ・reduce air pollutants such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, noise and vibration, and the use of energy and resources,
  • ・prevent the pollution of water resources, and
  • ・sort reusable and non-reusable waste in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.

In the case of large-scale projects that could potentially have a strong environmental impact, Osaka Gas may request special measures to avoid or reduce impact on ecosystems and biodiversity. As one example, the use of low-impact vehicles powered with natural-gas, hybrid, electric or methanol systems is encouraged.

Candidate suppliers will be asked to report on their environmental efforts, as shown below, and this information will be considered in the selection process:

  • ・compliance with laws and regulations,
  • ・observance of environmental principles and policies,
  • ・systemic framework for responding to environmental issues,
  • ・visibility of environmental loads in business activities, and
  • ・environmental targets and success in achieving them.

It is preferred that suppliers have ISO 14001 and other environmental certifications.