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November 11. 2015
Osaka Gas Group (Takehiro Honjo, President; hereinafter, "Osaka Gas") published “Osaka Gas Group CSR Report 2015 (“Report”)” on September 30, 2015.
Osaka Gas formulated the “Osaka Gas Group CSR Charter” in 2006 as guiding principles for group executives and employees to fulfill its corporate social responsibility (CSR). In 2007, we became the first utility in Japan to join the UN Global Compact* and support its principles for addressing issues on sustainability.
As part of its CSR efforts, Osaka Gas identified material aspects in the value chain of the Osaka Gas Group in 2014. The Report provides information on the management system regarding each material aspect and the degree of implementation of measures to improve the indicators.
On the web version, the Group discloses its efforts as much as possible in addition to those related to the material aspects so that a full picture of the Group’s CSR is made known to parties outside the Group the brochure as well as web version of our Report can be accessible through the website here.
Osaka Gas intends to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through successful achievement of its long-term management vision toward 2020, “Field of Dreams 2020”.
* An initiative proposed by then U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the 1999 World Economic Forum, which calls for businesses corporations to observe 10 principles concerning human rights, labor, the environment, and the prevention of corruption. The Osaka Gas Group announced its participation in this initiative.